"The show is funny and real all wrapped up in to one. I’m waiting for it to hit network television myself".
~Henry Coleman
Love, love, love "The Teekie and Sonja Show" you ladies are a combination of great things together. Monday's Easter special gave me life hunni!!! Between the Easter speeches, the prayer list, and communion......I can definitely see who goes to church and loves the Lord! Always keep him first and you will continue to do great things. Wishing you continued success and blessed journey.
~Ebony Anderson
This show is filled with energy, pettiness, realness and a boocoo personality. The hostesses are beautiful, educated business women whom are bringing spice to blogs and entertainment sites worldwide. Sitting here awaiting their GLOWUP!!! ~Nikki Flowers
Love this show! They are funny and current . ~Lee Bee
I Love It, they touch bases on everything and then some. I enjoy Falling Out Laughing, they keep It 100%
~Liz Majors